In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] He was with God in the beginning. [3] Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. [4] In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. [5] The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:1-5 NIV
Word definition:
Conquer is a word descriptive of but rarely used to define Jesus.
It means “to defeat an enemy, or take control or possession of a foreign land.” In this sense, Jesus comes as the light to conquer a world filled with darkness. Everything he does, every person he heals, and everyone he rescues from the darkness of a soul without God is him conquering the darkness.
Deep reflection:
- Read all of John chapter 1
- Read John 3:16-21 then write down a Biblical definition of darkness
- Read John 12:37-46 and list 3-5 ways Jesus can set us free from the darkness
Jesus redefined:
Redefining Jesus means tossing out our erroneous views and replacing them with accurate ones.
- What view of Jesus do you have, which could and should be replaced by the Jesus who conquers the darkness?
- How could changing your view of Jesus to “conqueror of darkness” help you in your own efforts to defeat darkness?
- What would happen if you started each day determined to be a “conqueror of darkness?”
*Definitions in “The 12 Days of Jesus” studies are based on the Cambridge Dictionary
Explore the series:
- Feature: The 12 Days of Jesus
- Day 1: Conqueror of Darkness
- Day 2: Courage in the Temple
- Day 3: Compassion for the Disabled
- Day 4: Confidence Turns the Tide
- Day 5: Captivating the Crowds
- Day 6: Cagey and Colorful in Conflict
- Day 7: Controversial to the Conventional
- Day 8: Convincing the Confused
- Day 9: Comforting the Cautious
- Day 10: Clarity for the Complicated
- Day 11: Calm for the Chronically Contentious
- Day 12: Concerned about the Cynical
Explore more:
As the editor in chief for Deep Spirituality, Russ Ewell writes, teaches, and innovates with his eyes on the future. His teaching is rooted in providing hope for those turned off by tradition and infused with vision for building a transformative church. His passion to inspire even the most skeptical to view God through fresh eyes can be found in his book, He's Not Who You Think He Is: Dropping Your Assumptions and Discovering God for Yourself.
As the editor in chief for Deep Spirituality, Russ Ewell writes, teaches, and innovates with his eyes on the future. His teaching is rooted in providing hope for those turned off by tradition and infused with vision for building a transformative church. His passion to inspire even the most skeptical to view God through fresh eyes can be found in his book, He's Not Who You Think He Is: Dropping Your Assumptions and Discovering God for Yourself.