How I learned that truth is my friend, not my enemy.
The word “spiritual” is used all the time in the Bible. But what does spiritual mean in the Bible. What is Christian spirituality?
Spirituality and the Bible can help us redefine what being vulnerable should look like, and show us how it can lead to great power.
In a moment of crisis, some unlikely but life-changing relationships can be forged.
Jesus’s disciples found the emotional strength to carry out their incredible task by being in prayer continually.
Life is unquestionably a roller coaster reaching great heights and then sudden, dizzying falls. Without convictions to anchor and stabilize us, we can begin losing faith in God and become unsteady.
The following are three traps we can easily fall into that will weigh our hearts down, followed by three conversations we can have that will help ensure that we come out of the holidays stronger than we were when we went in.
Building our convictions on the Bible will help us trust God to meet our present needs and to fulfill His plans for our lives and our families.
In order to dig deep, we have to be willing to go through the process of discovering who we really are and what’s really in our hearts. We often like to stay superficial and avoid this process. Strain exposes who we really are. How do you handle the strain in your life? What comes out? How deeply rooted are you and able to handle the strain of life?
At the end of this, you should develop a strengthening faith capable of helping you faithfully endure anything, anytime, anywhere, because you know God is working for your good (Romans 8:28-32 Voice).
“Deep Vulnerability” is a one-day quiet time in which we examine the life and faith of Hannah in chapters 1 thru 3 of I Samuel.