How to stay committed to God through conflict, crisis, and chaos.
How to hope in God and keep believing when we face disappointment, pain, and pressure.
God wants us to evaluate ourselves by how deep and strong our faith is. He doesn’t evaluate our spiritual condition by looking at how we appear on the surface. The depth of our faith determines how much of a difference we can make in the lives of those around us.
Tests, pressure, setbacks, failure, and trouble can expose the condition of our faith. We need Bible verses about resilience to help us believe that those challenges don’t have to own us.
These Bible stories about trusting God will inspire you to overcome circumstances and inspire your faith to believe.
Use these scriptures on decision making to adopt God’s perspective of what’s important and what’s not.
In this video, learn an easy acronym to use called the T.R.U.E. prayer that can help guide us in our prayers.