Episode notes
In this series
- Prologue: Mary, Mary, Quite Extraordinary
- Part 1: Believe and Be Mary
- Part 2: Mary’s Not-So-Silent Night
- Part 3: The More the Mary-er
We’re excited for our next episode in our Mary series: Believe, and Be Mary.
Mary lived in a world that wasn’t made for her. She was an unmarried woman, and most likely no more than 16 years old when she became pregnant with Jesus. In the world’s eyes, she would have been unimportant and overlooked. But she became important because of one small decision: to believe God.
As we explore the origins of Mary’s journey, it helps to also look at someone in the story who the world was made for: her cousin Zechariah, the priest. Though he seemed to have everything the world says will make you happy, there were some key things missing in his life. You see, to God, what makes us important is not our achievements, status, or even talents, but our faith and humility.
Mary responded, “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. [47] How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! [48] For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed. [49] For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me. [50] He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him. [51] His mighty arm has done tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones.
Luke 1:46-54 NLT
Like Mary says in her prayer, when we believe God takes notice of us, the seemingly impossible becomes possible with him. Join Mary as she discovers God’s call for a greater purpose.
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About the show
Paint Me a Picture is a narrative podcast series that immerses you in the stories of Scripture, bringing them to life with sound effects, storytelling, and reflective commentary. As you listen, you can slow down and put yourself in the shoes of the people in the Bible and bring their experiences into your walk with God.
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Join us on our narrative podcast as we conclude Mary's story.
Have you ever felt like life threw you a curveball and it was really unfair?
Join us as we begin Mary’s story and discover what can happen because you believe.