A five-step journey to a soul connection with God, through the footsteps of Jesus.
Every day, we need to identify these obstacles so we can overcome them.
Let’s look at how Moses, David, and Hannah's experience spending time with God changed their hearts and lives.
Strength comes from quiet and confident trust in God.
Understanding why you should build the church God wants and others need.
How can those of us who identify as Christians make church more accessible to those who believe in God?
6 signs you've lost your passion for God, and 5 ways to reignite it.
Jesus had a relationship with God that gave him peace, power, and purpose in a chaotic world.
To change the world, we must change the church. This starts with every Christian deciding to transform personally, beginning with our personal relationship with God.
Many Christians become deceived because our entire experience is lived within the church. God wants us to expand our world to see he has bigger things in store.
We can face difficulties with faith by learning three key lessons from the book of Nehemiah.