The steps of a man are ordered by the LORD who takes delight in his journey.
Psalm 37:23 BSB
Let us keep looking to Jesus. He is the one who started this journey of faith. And he is the one who completes the journey of faith.
Hebrews 12:2 NIrV
Faith is a journey.
God delights in our journey, and we can too. Seeing our spiritual lives as a journey can be very relieving and even exciting. Rather than trying to reach a certain goal, we can enjoy the experiences we go through and how they help us connect with God at a deeper level.
Our article, “The Blueprint for Living Spiritually,” outlines a five-step journey to building a soul connection with God. As a fun way to enjoy our spiritual growth, we put together a quiz to identify which stage of the journey we are at today. The results of this quiz will guide us to a section of that article that will most accurately meet our spiritual needs.
As a fun addition, we have included a character from one of our favorite spiritually-themed shows, Avatar: The Last Airbender with each result (the animated version). Some of the most inspiring movies and TV shows are the ones that show us a hero’s journey, and Avatar is one of those shows. We hope you enjoy finding yourself in these results and catching a vision about where your hero’s journey may lead you next.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers to this quiz, only honest ones that may help reveal some strengths or weaknesses in our spiritual lives. Answer each question by choosing the option that best describes how you are doing right now.
Note: The results may not perfectly describe you, but they’re a great place to start conversations with God and friends as you compare answers and grow together!
Your quiz results
Soul Connection – Living a life of deep conviction
You are in the deep conviction stage of your spiritual journey!
If you’re in this stage, you might be a little bit like Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender. As a blind child who was arguably the best earthbender in the world, Toph had a strength that was unmatched. Not only was she physically strong, Toph had a toughness and thick skin that made her a force to be reckoned with. But it also made her a hard person to get to know and be close to.
Even with all her physical strength, Toph needed to grow in her emotional strength. She needed to learn to open up her heart enough to express what was going on inside. While she had greatly strengthened her outside, she needed some help strengthening what was inside, and that’s where convictions are formed.
When we need Soul Connections, intimacy may be hard for us. Maybe, like Toph, we have felt the need to protect or defend ourselves. But God tells us what Iroh tells Toph: “You need to let people who love you help you.”
Our souls thirst, yearn, and cry out for a depth of love that only God can provide. When we rely on ourselves or people, our strength will always fall short. But rooting ourselves in God’s love gives us a strength not even Toph’s earthbending can match:
But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 NIV
Toph’s willingness to express need and emotion didn’t make her weaker, but stronger. We can do the same when we open our hearts up to receiving God’s love and giving it to others.
- Why is intimacy with God so important?
- How do I know if I am experiencing intimacy with God?
- Do I think religiosity or spirituality produces greater intimacy with God?
We know we have joined Him in an intimate relationship because we live out His commands. [4] If someone claims, “I am in an intimate relationship with Him,” but this big talker doesn’t live out His commands, then this individual is a liar and a stranger to the truth. [5] But if someone responds to and obeys His word, then God’s love has truly taken root and filled him. This is how we know we are in an intimate relationship with Him: [6] anyone who says, “I live in intimacy with Him,” should walk the path Jesus walked.
1 John 2:3-6 Voice
Jesus was so connected and intimate with God that he was able to feel for and connect with people at a deeply vulnerable level. Read an example of Jesus’s vulnerability, relational intimacy, and conviction in John 11:1-44 NLT.
“Light a match and watch it burn
“Losing My Religion” by Lauren Daigle
To Your heart, I will return
No one can love me like You do
So why would I want a substitute?
I’m losing my religion
To find You.”
I’m fully known and loved by you.”
Be sure to read the section “Soul Connection” in our Blueprint for Living Spiritually to learn more about how to continue your spiritual journey.
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Parker is on the Deep Spirituality writing team, and is particularly passionate about helping people learn spiritual lessons from music and other forms of pop culture.
Parker is on the Deep Spirituality writing team, and is particularly passionate about helping people learn spiritual lessons from music and other forms of pop culture.