The steps of a man are ordered by the LORD who takes delight in his journey.
Psalm 37:23 BSB
Let us keep looking to Jesus. He is the one who started this journey of faith. And he is the one who completes the journey of faith.
Hebrews 12:2 NIrV
Faith is a journey.
God delights in our journey, and we can too. Seeing our spiritual lives as a journey can be very relieving and even exciting. Rather than trying to reach a certain goal, we can enjoy the experiences we go through and how they help us connect with God at a deeper level.
Our article, “The Blueprint for Living Spiritually,” outlines a five-step journey to building a soul connection with God. As a fun way to enjoy our spiritual growth, we put together a quiz to identify which stage of the journey we are at today. The results of this quiz will guide us to a section of that article that will most accurately meet our spiritual needs.
As a fun addition, we have included a character from one of our favorite spiritually-themed shows, Avatar: The Last Airbender with each result (the animated version). Some of the most inspiring movies and TV shows are the ones that show us a hero’s journey, and Avatar is one of those shows. We hope you enjoy finding yourself in these results and catching a vision about where your hero’s journey may lead you next.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers to this quiz, only honest ones that may help reveal some strengths or weaknesses in our spiritual lives. Answer each question by choosing the option that best describes how you are doing right now.
Note: The results may not perfectly describe you, but they’re a great place to start conversations with God and friends as you compare answers and grow together!
Your quiz results
Soul On Fire – Living a life of deep discovery
You are in the deep discovery stage of your spiritual journey!
If you’re in this stage, you might be a little bit like Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. He was destined to become the Avatar to restore and maintain balance to the world. But he couldn’t handle the pressure—so he ran.
When the external responsibilities and pressures of our lives feel too much to handle, it’s often our first instinct to try to change our circumstances. Like Aang, we want to run, avoid, or keep everything on the surface.
When we feel weak or overwhelmed, Jesus consistently directs our attention to internal contributors. He can reignite the fire within us—if we let him.
They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”
Luke 24:32 NLT
Deep discovery is when reading the Scriptures sets our soul on fire. Once our soul is on fire, our prayers catch fire. We seek God passionately, expectantly, and vulnerably until we experience his presence. When we are in this stage, we may need to look for areas of unbelief we have, identify and express what we’re avoiding in our hearts, and find Scriptures that help us resolve and see that we are forgiven by God.
Aang didn’t want to face the guilt of running or the pressure of the task at hand, but his avoidance was keeping the fire within him small and weak. He, like many of us, needed his soul to be set on fire again.
Once Aang decided to stop running from his guilt and address his unbelief, a fire was sparked in him that drove him to keep fighting even when things got hard. Our souls can also be set on fire when we take the time to address what’s in our hearts and get faith from reading the Scriptures and prayer!
Watch from 4:25-6:13
- Am I inspired spiritually?
- When am I most likely to be spiritually inspired or uninspired?
- How easy or difficult is it for me to look below the surface?
- What five words best describe how I feel after reading the Bible and praying?
Do not slack in your faithfulness and hard work. Let your spirit be on fire, bubbling up and boiling over, as you serve the Lord.
Romans 12:11 Voice
Jesus took the time to give himself to prayer every morning, to keep his soul on fire for God. This helped him keep fighting and moving forward on his mission. Read about how he did that in Mark 1:35-39 TPT.
“God, I’m running for Your heart
“Soul on Fire” by Third Day
I’m running for Your heart
Till I am a soul on fire”
Be sure to read the section “Soul on Fire” in our Blueprint for Living Spiritually to learn more about how to continue your spiritual journey.
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Parker is on the Deep Spirituality writing team, and is particularly passionate about helping people learn spiritual lessons from music and other forms of pop culture.
Parker is on the Deep Spirituality writing team, and is particularly passionate about helping people learn spiritual lessons from music and other forms of pop culture.