The story of Gideon in the Bible shows us how God can shape any of us into strong leaders if we’re willing to take one (very small) step of faith at a time.
Let’s look at how Moses, David, and Hannah's experience spending time with God changed their hearts and lives.
Throughout the gospels, Jesus asked key, timely questions to spark deeper conversation and consideration.
The uncertainty of the pandemic can take a toll, but a few simple steps will rebuild your faith.
The first step to increasing our faith is identifying how unbelief has gripped us and then deciding to have a defining moment.
Here are 4 principles that will help us trust the process God has us involved in to reach our dreams and destiny.
Overcoming our fear of inadequacy and having the courage to dream
The Bible can help us make choices that decrease our anxiety about social interactions
Spirituality is the ability to let go of control and learn to turn to God in prayer.
Trusting that God’s timing is always right can calm our anxious mind when we can’t see solutions to problems we’re facing or when we’re worried about the future.
The opportunity and expectation of growth from God is really a call to walk with him, to allow him to transform our lives through the power of the Spirit.