A huge cloud of witnesses is all around us. So let us throw off everything that stands in our way. Let us throw off any sin that holds on to us so tightly. And let us keep on running the race marked out for us. [2] Let us keep looking to Jesus. He is the one who started this journey of faith. And he is the one who completes the journey of faith. He paid no attention to the shame of the cross. He suffered there because of the joy he was looking forward to. Then he sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2 NIrV

Hebrews 12 tells us that if we want to live a life empowered by faith, we will need to throw off everything that stands in our way or holds onto us tightly to slow us down. 

But how do you identify what’s standing in the way of having strong faith in God? Can you identify the sins that are holding onto you so tightly you can’t run the race God has marked out for you?

To help each of us find the answers to these questions, we invoked the help of some of our favorite characters from the Star Wars universe who experienced a transformative breakthrough. Jesus gives us the ultimate example of what a life of faith looks like, and sometimes characters in popular culture help us visualize the qualities that helped him do it – like humility, selflessness, forgiveness, and perseverance.

Please note:

This quiz is meant to be a fun way to provide you with more clarity and additional resources for growth in your faith. At the end of the quiz, you’ll be matched with a character (regardless of gender) who shares some of the strengths and weaknesses in your faith. 

You may find that some of the results describe you accurately, and some do not. You may get a different result on a different day, depending on the condition of your faith. That’s okay. Just have fun learning and discovering more about your faith and the breakthroughs that could help you become stronger!

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This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team.

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This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team.

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May The Faith Be With You: What Breakthrough Does Your Faith Need? 6