What King Ahab can teach us about navigating the emotional disruptions that are necessary parts of the process of change.
The Bible teaches how to build confidence in God, not self.
How did Abraham show his faith in God? By deciding to trust him enough to leave his comfort zone.
How to come out of the holidays stronger than we were when we went in.
God can free us from our negative thinking by teaching us to trust him and love other people.
Sometimes we can get stuck in our feelings, and it can feel impossible to understand and move past them. But God can help us work through them and move forward.
Building our convictions on the Bible will help us trust God to meet our present needs and to fulfill His plans for our lives and our families.
With secure confidence in the saving power of God, we tightly grip the “sword of the Spirit”, which is God’s Word, and then march forward in our fight to rescue others from the darkness.
Pray about your lack of trust in God. What areas of your life are you unwilling to trust God with, and how has this affected your desire to pray? How has it affected your desire to read your Bible?
Jesus's confidence was in God, so when people were fickle he remained faithful, which is why I think so many people found him attractive. We must read the scriptures with greater intensity to learn this confidence, so we continue to keep the dream of Jesus alive and build his kingdom, regardless of whether we are many or few, important or irrelevant, succeeding or failing, being criticized or praised.
Naomi is one of the rare individuals in scripture who demonstrates the “Deep Humility” necessary to see and admit the depth of her brokenness.