When we love God with all of our hearts, we will have the capacity to love people wholeheartedly and live out the exciting destiny God has for each of us.
Jesus loved the rich young ruler enough to offer him a way out of rule-following by asking him to make a decision to be close to him.
Let’s look at how Moses, David, and Hannah's experience spending time with God changed their hearts and lives.
Strength comes from quiet and confident trust in God.
The uncertainty of the pandemic can take a toll, but a few simple steps will rebuild your faith.
The first step to increasing our faith is identifying how unbelief has gripped us and then deciding to have a defining moment.
Let’s look at why we should embrace failure, learn how to let go and let God work, and see what it looks like when we move forward.
In this devotional, we will learn three key qualities to building a personal relationship with God from the life of David.
Understanding the importance of prayer and having these 3 kinds of prayers have been a spiritual lifeline.
A large part of being reassured by God is acknowledging the truth of his power and being reverent before him.
Six ways God helps us develop inner strength.
How I learned that truth is my friend, not my enemy.