Everyone can become a spiritual leader, but it begins with the decision to allow God to make you into one.
What does it mean to have spiritual competency, and how do we get there?
As long as our hearts have the entitlement mentality, personal growth in our relationship with God and with others will cease.
When life gets hard and unexpected challenges take their toll, it’s easy to start making compromises.
While we don’t always have control over circumstances changing, we can choose how we will respond to them. We can either stay stagnant or grow spiritually.
No matter what problems you may face, God has a way to make them purposeful. God helps us change our perspective so that we see problems as opportunities.
Building self-discipline is what gives us the ability to bridge the gap between aspiration and victory.
These Bible verses about faith over fear help us make spiritual choices when we are afraid.
Asking God for self-discipline won’t amount to much if your motive is not to love others.
To experience a transformation in our lives we must embrace spiritual training and discipline.
To change the world, we must change the church. This starts with every Christian deciding to transform personally, beginning with our personal relationship with God.
Many Christians become deceived because our entire experience is lived within the church. God wants us to expand our world to see he has bigger things in store.