How do we get out of the constant cycle of comparison?
True compassion is not just having a feeling, but doing something about that feeling.
Five ways Jesus can teach us to show compassion when we want to be critical.
Any lasting change starts with a change of heart.
What we’ve experienced is that living by religious rules is a very tempting way to avoid facing the insecurities in our hearts.
We can find joy in serving God and others. No matter what’s going on in life, our home life improves when we look outward instead of inward.
Compassion is having concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. It is not simply feeling bad for what someone else is going through, but taking action to help and love them.
Redefining our view of Jesus should include not only identifying compassion in his life, but exhibiting compassion in our own.
Naomi is one of the rare individuals in scripture who demonstrates the “Deep Humility” necessary to see and admit the depth of her brokenness.