This study is one of eight installments of the DIY Book of John study series. DIY studies are interactive Bible studies designed to help you build an engaging relationship with God. These studies will teach you to use various tools like podcasts and videos to engage with the Bible in a way that best fits your learning style. These studies were originally created for teens, but can be helpful for anyone.

You can do this study online or download a workbook of the entire book of John. 

Read John chapter nineteen

Then Pilate had Jesus flogged with a lead-tipped whip. The soldiers wove a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and they put a purple robe on him. “Hail! King of the Jews!” they mocked, as they slapped him across the face.

John 19:1-3 NLT

… Now keep reading online or in your paper Bible.
*Note: If you are using a paper Bible, try:

  • highlighting parts of the Scriptures that tell you something about who God is
  • underlining parts of the Scriptures that you relate to.

Write about it

  • How do you feel as you think about what Jesus went through knowing that he was going to the cross for everyone’s sins, including yours?

DIY watch this

If you have Netflix, check out “A.D. The Bible Continues – Episode 1”. The episode looks at the cross and creates a visual of Jesus’ experience and his disciples’ journey. Although cinematic liberties have been taken, the story follows as much to the truth as it can for creating a realistic and relatable image for viewers regarding the crucifixion of Jesus.
*Note: Some images are graphic and should be watched with discretion.

Think about it

  • Jesus comes back!
  • He encourages the disciples to continue God’s purpose!
  • God fulfilled his promise.

Read John chapter twenty

Early on Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, “They have taken the Lord’s body out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!” Peter and the other disciple started out for the tomb.

John 20:1-3 NLT

… Now keep reading online or in your paper Bible.

DIY Listen

“You Say – Lauren Daigle”
This song is a beautiful reminder that no matter what we think of ourselves or what people think of us, the only opinion that matters is God’s. God’s thoughts about us are good thoughts and Jesus’ death and resurrection was so that we might be forgiven of all our sins and mess ups, and instead have hope. Listen to this song and think about how God feels about you. (You could also watch this version in sign language for another experience/perspective of the song)

Read John chapter twenty-one

Later, Jesus appeared again to the disciples beside the Sea of Galilee. This is how it happened. Several of the disciples were there—Simon Peter, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples. Simon Peter said, “I’m going fishing.” “We’ll come, too,” they all said. So they went out in the boat, but they caught nothing all night. At dawn Jesus was standing on the beach, but the disciples couldn’t see who he was. He called out, “Fellows, have you caught any fish?” “No,” they replied. Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” So they did, and they couldn’t haul in the net because there were so many fish in it.

John 21:1-6 NLT

… Now keep reading online or in your paper Bible.

Think about it

  • Jesus asks Peter three times if he will feed his sheep. He does this to let Peter know that even through his guilt, Jesus looks past it.
  • The disciples will have hard times ahead of them, but Jesus reminds them that their time with him has prepared them and God is with them.

Write about it

  • What do you think God’s purpose is for you? What qualities do you know about God now that make you excited about building a friendship with him?
  • Take some time to write your thoughts or notes from the reading or Bible study. you can use a journal, or write in the downloadable version of this study series.

Review and reflect

  • What are some next steps for you in your relationship with God? Ask a friend what they think.

DIY How to start praying

T.R.U.E. Prayer is an acronym that can help you start learning to pray.
T = Thanksgiving

  • Write here the things you are grateful for so that you can pray about

R = Requests/Needs

  • Write about things you need help with.

U = Uncovering Sin

  • Write about the sins you see from the day before.

E = Emotions

  • Write the top 3 emotions you felt yesterday and why.

Do it yourself

To look at a deeper study of the Bible, check out these resources:




View all studies in the series

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This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team.

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This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team.

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DIY: The Book of John - Chapters 19-21 6