About this course

Introducing our 7-Day Selflessness Challenge, a daily series of Bible studies and resources to help you grow in your love for God and others.

Each email will also come with a “selfless challenge” that you can put into practice throughout the day.

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25 NLT

The Bible tells us that we will be refreshed when we refresh others. Selflessness is not a chore or something to add to our plate, but rather the solution to our exhaustion and discouragement.

If you want to feel refreshed, take our 7-Day Selflessness Challenge today!

What you’ll learn in this course

  • How God’s love for you can help you grow in loving others
  • Practical ways to be selfless in your relationships today
  • Why your relationships will improve when you choose to be selfless

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Course sign up coming soon!

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