In this Bible study, we will learn through the life of King David how real heart change starts with developing a heart for God.
The unrelenting difficulties we’ve experienced this year can prompt us to seek God in a new way.
We are experiencing chaos because so many want so much but rely on human institutions and strength instead of asking God.
Some people are acquaintances. Some are life changers. We can learn from Jesus how to become life changers.
A courageous person is someone who isn’t shaken by circumstances, may experience fear but doesn’t live in it, and is secure and strong no matter what. Does this describe you?
“Deep Awareness” is a spiritual sensitivity to God and his Word that awakens our conscience, and stirs up the transformative power of the Holy Spirit for change. This awareness keeps us from slipping back into old patterns of life or attitudes of mind.
This is a lesson for all of us about running and quitting. Before we “give up the ghost,” maybe we should check with God to find out if he has a plan.