God's thoughts are higher than and completely different from ours
Regardless of what we are going through, God can help us get unstuck
God wants us to have friendships in which we can be completely and totally ourselves.
We can learn something very important about God from each of these stories, something that will give us the strength of heart we need to “get back up again” no matter what comes our way.
Jesus’s disciples found the emotional strength to carry out their incredible task by being in prayer continually.
Life is unquestionably a roller coaster reaching great heights and then sudden, dizzying falls. Without convictions to anchor and stabilize us, we can begin losing faith in God and become unsteady.
Do you find yourself constantly distracted or overwhelmed? Use these scriptures on focus to help you identify and calm your reactionary anxiety.
Having a transformational quiet time is an issue of spiritually preparing our minds and hearts to follow God.
The longer you do something, the easier it becomes to forget why you started doing it. This can happen to us with Christianity. If you have a seared conscience, these steps will help your heart heal.
Now regarding your question about food that has been offered [...]
Christians can be deceived and think they are immune to the insidious impact of insecurity, but the Bible teaches something different.
Our internal struggle is to find security and belonging by getting [...]