The Parable of the Great Banquet is God's invitation to experience an incredible life with him.
Learn to walk with God, experience his presence in your life, and avoid drifting away from him.
Jesus loved the rich young ruler enough to offer him a way out of rule-following by asking him to make a decision to be close to him.
When we reach out for and find God, we'll discover that life with him is incredible.
The condition of your faith and heart will determine whether you enter the presence of God or the realm of religiosity.
A few simple spiritual choices can nourish a healthy soul and energize every area of our lives.
Our sense and desire for destiny, meaning and purpose in our lives goes beyond what can be achieved humanistically. How do you see this desire for the spiritual, unseen and eternal in you? Understanding this, how can you be more spiritual in your thinking and in your way of living?
A fun and easy pathway to developing the spiritual stamina necessary for “Deep Spirituality.”