Join us as we explore Hannah's journey to confidence through her relationship with God with our newest Mini QT podcast.
Join us as we discuss how to turn to God when we feel insecure.
Take a look at some of the incredible ways trusting in God changes our lives, and how we can make decisions to put our trust into practice.
In this episode, we discuss the inevitable stress that comes not only with going back to school, but also in any stressful time of life.
In the story of Martha and Mary, we can learn from Jesus how prioritizing our relationships with God and people can truly make us happy.
Learn to walk with God, experience his presence in your life, and avoid drifting away from him.
Jesus can teach us how to break free from a frustrating, unsatisfying, and rule-dominated experience of Christianity to find a real relationship with God.
Join us as we delve into how not to be perfect parents, but to be parents that love and help our kids grow.
What the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector can teach us about talking to God when we feel guilty.
Join Amy, Jynette, and Michele as they discuss this incredible parable and how we can respond to God’s love too.
What the Parable of the Great Banquet teaches us about God’s invitation is to be part of his Kingdom.
This Mini Quiet Time about the Parable of the Lost Coin can help us understand God's heart toward us when we've lost our way.