If we simplify our focus, we will carry our responsibilities better and enter the new year refreshed and ready, rather than depleted and needing to recover.
Eight signs of attention-seeking and how to break free from it.
God changes us from the inside out, and we live the rest of our lives knowing we are here for a reason.
In this devotional, we’ll learn to focus on connection instead of criticism, being grateful instead of being good, and letting God teach us to love.
As parents, we can help our teenagers to love others—no matter how entitled they may be—by inspiring them to follow Jesus's example.
Selfishness can make parenting more difficult, while love makes life easier for ourselves and our children.
How to be content with life, no matter what it throws at you.
So much of life is impossible with only human effort. Start relying on God by learning why and how to fast and pray.
Three humanistic myths and three spiritual truths about the importance of family in our lives.
As we consider how to grow in our walks with God, let’s look to some inspiring examples of great fathers in the Bible for guidance.
Only intimacy with God can satisfy my soul, and having a deep relationship with God will help me build deep relationships with people around me.
When we live with a genuine faith in God, we are not afraid to dream, imagine, sacrifice, or take risks. Our confidence is in the God of Scripture, whose presence and power flow through those who have chosen to believe.