Five ways Jesus can teach us to show compassion when we want to be critical.
In this Bible study, we will learn through the life of King David how real heart change starts with developing a heart for God.
What we’ve experienced is that living by religious rules is a very tempting way to avoid facing the insecurities in our hearts.
Spirituality and the Bible can help us redefine what being vulnerable should look like, and show us how it can lead to great power.
Jesus had a relationship with God that gave him peace, power, and purpose in a chaotic world.
We can find joy in serving God and others. No matter what’s going on in life, our home life improves when we look outward instead of inward.
Learning to understand your fear and how to overcome it.
How to come out of the holidays stronger than we were when we went in.
God doesn’t want us to feel like we have to conform in order to be accepted, and wants to help us become strong enough to stand for what we believe and who we are.
Compassion is having concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. It is not simply feeling bad for what someone else is going through, but taking action to help and love them.
This is a study on how to stay calm and be at peace even when life gets crazy. Whether school is stressing you out, you feel anxious about the future, or you have conflict in relationships with friends or family that you’re afraid to deal with, God wants to be a place of refuge even in the midst of chaos.
What motivates you? Are you more motivated to please people or to please God? Do you believe it’s possible to care more about pleasing God than pleasing people?