What is a DIY Study?
DIY studies are interactive Bible studies designed to help you build an engaging relationship with God. These studies will teach you to use various tools like podcasts and videos to engage with the Bible in a way that best fits your learning style.

These studies were originally created for teens, but can be helpful for anyone. Click here for a printable version of this study.

This study series dives into the book of John in the Bible to provide a practical study as well as thought-provoking questions for creating a meaningful interaction between you and God.

For this plan, we look mostly at the New Living Translation which provides a relevant and accurate translation of the Bible.

This plan is meant to be a guide, but by no means is it the only way to look at the book of John. Rather, it should be an example and structure that allows you to begin a new adventure towards getting to know the God that loves you, created you, and has a grand purpose for your life (Jeremiah 29:11-13).

We hope you enjoy this journey and that it can be the beginning of a deep, unique, and flourishing relationship with God.


“Is Jesus really God? Some religions teach that Jesus is special but not that he is God the Son, who existed from all eternity and who created the universe and died to save you.

John makes sure you won’t be confused. All the Gospels Tell you that Jesus is the Son of God. But John emphasizes that Jesus is the God of the Old Testament, the God who loved you enough to come to earth to be with you and to save you from your sins.

John the disciple wrote this book, not John the Baptist.

The key word in this Gospel is ‘love.’”

NIV Teen Study Bible, Book Intro

Watch This

“Read Scripture: John 1-12” – The Bible Project
This video provides a visual introduction and overview of the Book of John. It should help you look at the first few chapters and its author to think about what God is trying to communicate with this book of the Bible.


Write About It

Why might this book help you build a relationship with God? Take some time to write your thoughts or notes from the reading or Bible study. you can use a journal or write in the downloadable version of this study series.

Listen to This

If you think you would benefit from listening to the Bible and your Bible app does not have an audio feature for NLT, check out this audiobook version of the book of John in NLT so you can read along.


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This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team.

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This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team.

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DIY: The Book of John Study Series 6