God's thoughts are higher than and completely different from ours
Regardless of what we are going through, God can help us get unstuck
Trusting God helps me lower my defenses and listen to him as he helps me become the person I’m meant to be.
God notices what we go through, even if no one else does, and he wants to do something about our pain.
God wants to give us the help we need, but we have to be willing to be vulnerable enough to ask him for it.
God wants us to have friendships in which we can be completely and totally ourselves.
As husbands, we have to be able to understand and manage our own emotions in a healthy way if we want to learn to love our wives the way the Bible calls us to.
This article will give us 5 ways to manage our emotions as wives so that we can be mentally and emotionally prepared to follow God and build a strong marriage.
If you want to learn how to reconnect with God when you’re feeling spiritually disconnected, start by asking yourself these three questions.
Do you find yourself constantly distracted or overwhelmed? Use these scriptures on focus to help you identify and calm your reactionary anxiety.
Having a transformational quiet time is an issue of spiritually preparing our minds and hearts to follow God.
Do you understand yourself? God knows who we really are and can help us get to the root of things. We just have to be willing to let him.