One of the defining crises of midlife is refusing to admit the truth to ourselves that we’re getting older.”
If we want to be bold and courageous and conquer cowardice, we first need to learn to call it what it is.
How to stay committed to God through conflict, crisis, and chaos.
God brings stability and support when we feel like we’re spinning out of control.
The New Testament Christians were unstoppable because they had such an unwavering faith, convinced of God’s purpose for them.
What does the Bible say about emotions, and how to handle them?
Four types of mystery that are essential ingredients of our faith.
When life gets hard and unexpected challenges take their toll, it’s easy to start making compromises.
God wants us to evaluate ourselves by how deep and strong our faith is. He doesn’t evaluate our spiritual condition by looking at how we appear on the surface. The depth of our faith determines how much of a difference we can make in the lives of those around us.
Guilt is overwhelming, but God can free us from it. We must learn how to deal with guilt biblically so that we don’t get overwhelmed by the stress, anxiety, and emotionalism it causes.
God orchestrates the people we encounter and the relationships we build, so that he can use us to change lives.
God can give us faith and teach us how to love big!