The Parable of the Sower teaches us how to grow in the self-awareness necessary to be close to God and others.
The Parable of the Great Banquet is God's invitation to experience an incredible life with him.
When life is tough, it's easy to want to get angry or give up.
Take a look at some of the incredible ways trusting in God changes our lives, and how we can make decisions to put our trust into practice.
When we reach out for and find God, we'll discover that life with him is incredible.
What the Parable of the Persistent Friend teaches us about how to think about God and prayer.
Our heart condition affects our relationship with God a lot. If we don’t understand ourselves, we will misunderstand God.
The Bible isn't just a book of stories or wise teachings. The Bible helps us know God personally.
We all want to be cared for, known, understood, and loved for who we are. God is the starting place for this kind of intimacy.
Our sense and desire for destiny, meaning and purpose in our lives goes beyond what can be achieved humanistically. How do you see this desire for the spiritual, unseen and eternal in you? Understanding this, how can you be more spiritual in your thinking and in your way of living?