Throughout the gospels, Jesus asked key, timely questions to spark deeper conversation and consideration.
God trains, guides, and directs us even when we don’t realize it.
As long as our hearts have the entitlement mentality, personal growth in our relationship with God and with others will cease.
Building self-discipline is what gives us the ability to bridge the gap between aspiration and victory.
Asking God for self-discipline won’t amount to much if your motive is not to love others.
To experience a transformation in our lives we must embrace spiritual training and discipline.
How did Abraham show his faith in God? By deciding to trust him enough to leave his comfort zone.
How to come out of the holidays stronger than we were when we went in.
Learning how to deal with frustration Biblically is key to taming the anxiety that often accompanies anger.
God is always moving on behalf of the good. One thing he is always trying to do is make up for where we are lacking, and in this way he wants to be the parent we’ve always needed and desired.
Focus is giving a lot of attention, time, energy, etc. to one particular person, group, or activity. It’s having the ability to do one thing at a time, well done.
What would it be like if you weren't bitter? Would you be positive and hopeful, more pleasant to be around? What hurts, regrets, or disappointments have you been unable to move past?