Learning from Jesus to see past our failures and find our potential.
The Bible gives us a lot of examples of people who found the courage to be themselves by believing that God loved them for who they were.
Take a look at some of the incredible ways trusting in God changes our lives, and how we can make decisions to put our trust into practice.
When we love God with all of our hearts, we will have the capacity to love people wholeheartedly and live out the exciting destiny God has for each of us.
Jesus loved the rich young ruler enough to offer him a way out of rule-following by asking him to make a decision to be close to him.
This parable will help us understand what it feels like to be lost and how God responds to that feeling by always trying to bring us home.
But how do we become a light that shines brightly before others? The first step is making sure we choose not to live in darkness ourselves.
Understanding the way we handle the storms of life can help us recognize what we’re building our lives on, and learn how to trust God and his way instead.
Let’s look at how Moses, David, and Hannah's experience spending time with God changed their hearts and lives.
If you’re someone who tends to find yourself going through life alone, this devotional is for you.
Throughout the gospels, Jesus asked key, timely questions to spark deeper conversation and consideration.
Let’s look at why we should embrace failure, learn how to let go and let God work, and see what it looks like when we move forward.