God trains, guides, and directs us even when we don’t realize it.
We have to remember to let the Bible shape our view of God, instead of our emotions or experiences.
As parents, we can help our teenagers to love others—no matter how entitled they may be—by inspiring them to follow Jesus's example.
Jesus had a relationship with God that gave him peace, power, and purpose in a chaotic world.
How to be content with life, no matter what it throws at you.
As long as our hearts have the entitlement mentality, personal growth in our relationship with God and with others will cease.
So much of life is impossible with only human effort. Start relying on God by learning why and how to fast and pray.
How to get rid of the blocks we have in intimacy so we can build inspiring and enjoyable relationships.
We all want to be cared for, known, understood, and loved for who we are. God is the starting place for this kind of intimacy.
My whole life I have evaluated myself by how much I have gotten done and have resisted slowing down or pacing.
Only intimacy with God can satisfy my soul, and having a deep relationship with God will help me build deep relationships with people around me.
Jesus' life was a powerful example and inspiring blueprint that guides us in living a life of faith that changes the world.