If we simplify our focus, we will carry our responsibilities better and enter the new year refreshed and ready, rather than depleted and needing to recover.
A spiritual marriage is one guided by the Holy Spirit to follow the teachings of Jesus, and the gift of a spiritual marriage is something the world can’t provide us.
How do we get out of the constant cycle of comparison?
The Bible gives us a lot of examples of people who found the courage to be themselves by believing that God loved them for who they were.
Let’s look at how Moses, David, and Hannah's experience spending time with God changed their hearts and lives.
Throughout the gospels, Jesus asked key, timely questions to spark deeper conversation and consideration.
Strength comes from quiet and confident trust in God.
True compassion is not just having a feeling, but doing something about that feeling.
Five ways Jesus can teach us to show compassion when we want to be critical.