If we simplify our focus, we will carry our responsibilities better and enter the new year refreshed and ready, rather than depleted and needing to recover.
A Bible study on conquering fear and saying no to a small life.
The uncertainty of the pandemic can take a toll, but a few simple steps will rebuild your faith.
The first step to increasing our faith is identifying how unbelief has gripped us and then deciding to have a defining moment.
Any lasting change starts with a change of heart.
As parents, we can help our teenagers to love others—no matter how entitled they may be—by inspiring them to follow Jesus's example.
Selfishness can make parenting more difficult, while love makes life easier for ourselves and our children.
While we don’t always have control over circumstances changing, we can choose how we will respond to them. We can either stay stagnant or grow spiritually.
We all have limits we struggle to accept. These Bible verses about relying on God will help you learn how to live a life of real impact.
These Bible verses about faith over fear help us make spiritual choices when we are afraid.
If we are going to make a positively transformative difference in the world, it is going to happen through our relationships. Let God help you find your courage.
It is hard not giving up, but the Bible teaches us to fight the spiritual battle. Learning how to fight spiritually leads to stronger faith and deeper relationships.