Jesus loved the rich young ruler enough to offer him a way out of rule-following by asking him to make a decision to be close to him.
When we reach out for and find God, we'll discover that life with him is incredible.
Let’s look at why we should embrace failure, learn how to let go and let God work, and see what it looks like when we move forward.
We can learn something very important about God from each of these stories, something that will give us the strength of heart we need to “get back up again” no matter what comes our way.
Why do we pray? Prayers can make us more powerful than we could ever be on our own.
Six ways God helps us develop inner strength.
4 ways to build the kind of spiritual relationships that God desires for us.
Three things you can do to ensure your faith is greater than your fear of disappointment.
Giving God the opportunity to show how much he cares
The word “spiritual” is used all the time in the Bible. But what does spiritual mean in the Bible. What is Christian spirituality?
The Bible can help us make choices that decrease our anxiety about social interactions
How can those of us who identify as Christians make church more accessible to those who believe in God?