Building or rebuilding our emotional lives will allow us to grow our character as we walk with God and develop our strength from the inside out.
We are excited to present to you an excerpt from the audio version of our upcoming book He's Not Who You Think He Is: Dropping Your Assumptions and Discovering God for Yourself.
Our new book is a guide to seeing God in a healthy way, softening our hearts to be close to him, and inspiring the world around us to discover him too.
What the Parable of the Great Banquet teaches us about God’s invitation is to be part of his Kingdom.
The moment we change our view of God is the moment we will see the hope, forgiveness, and connection that come with having a relationship with him.
In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus makes it clear that a relationship with him is about understanding.
Jesus gives us access to insight we could never fathom on our own through storytelling.
What is influencing you the most during this pandemic? Has it been the news, discouragement, your emotions, or God, the Bible, and spiritual friends?
By digging down deep, we start the process toward having a faith in God that is not easily shaken. However, depth takes work. It is not a personality trait or a natural talent, but rather a skill that must be worked at and developed over time.
Journaling is a great way to help us navigate the emotions we feel, but we have to make sure to use this incredible tool spiritually.
Our insecurities often come from a place of feeling misunderstood. There are things we experience that no one but God can understand.
Now regarding your question about food that has been offered [...]