A spiritual marriage is one guided by the Holy Spirit to follow the teachings of Jesus, and the gift of a spiritual marriage is something the world can’t provide us.
The First Century Christians changed their world in just three decades. With God’s help, we can do the same.
In this episode, we learn how to live a life of constant renewal and love so we can change the world by inspiring those who don't yet follow Jesus to get to know him.
The story of Gideon in the Bible shows us how God can shape any of us into strong leaders if we’re willing to take one (very small) step of faith at a time.
God shows us through the Bible how to develop and sustain a deep relationship with him that leaves us reimagining every aspect of our lives.
What King Ahab can teach us about navigating the emotional disruptions that are necessary parts of the process of change.
The unrelenting difficulties we’ve experienced this year can prompt us to seek God in a new way.
Join Russ and friends as they discuss how to make our times with God powerful and transformational.
The key to turning our emotion into action is trusting God.
God wants us to experience continual restarts, rebirths, redefinitions, and to rebrand our lives.
Believing in the “Spirituality of Jesus” means believing he is intimately guiding our lives. Spirituality becomes a way of life.
For those dreams to come true, I would need to “Be The Thunder”, becoming emotionally strong enough to do what is necessary to make the dreams God has laid on my heart a reality.