While it isn’t wrong to feel angry, God can give us the power to handle this emotion in a spiritual and helpful way.
When we get our happiness from God, we want to share that happiness with others.
We can learn something very important about God from each of these stories, something that will give us the strength of heart we need to “get back up again” no matter what comes our way.
As husbands, we have to be able to understand and manage our own emotions in a healthy way if we want to learn to love our wives the way the Bible calls us to.
This article will give us 5 ways to manage our emotions as wives so that we can be mentally and emotionally prepared to follow God and build a strong marriage.
Jesus’s disciples found the emotional strength to carry out their incredible task by being in prayer continually.
Life is unquestionably a roller coaster reaching great heights and then sudden, dizzying falls. Without convictions to anchor and stabilize us, we can begin losing faith in God and become unsteady.
The condition of your faith and heart will determine whether you enter the presence of God or the realm of religiosity.