What does the Bible say about emotions, and how to handle them?
Four types of mystery that are essential ingredients of our faith.
Learn how to overcome apathy and reclaim your conviction, ambition, and desire to grow
Life is unquestionably a roller coaster reaching great heights and then sudden, dizzying falls. Without convictions to anchor and stabilize us, we can begin losing faith in God and become unsteady.
This quiz is meant to be a fun way to provide you with more clarity and additional resources for growth in your faith. At the end of the quiz, you’ll be matched with a Star Wars character who shares some of the strengths and weaknesses in your faith.
Guilt is overwhelming, but God can free us from it. We must learn how to deal with guilt biblically so that we don’t get overwhelmed by the stress, anxiety, and emotionalism it causes.
Tests, pressure, setbacks, failure, and trouble can expose the condition of our faith. We need Bible verses about resilience to help us believe that those challenges don’t have to own us.
Often, the challenge that I face is that I get inspired to want to make a difference, but don’t realize that I first must allow God to change me.
There are many things that aim to undermine our faith: our guilt, different diagnoses, depression, anxiety, fear, and various circumstances. God wants to build our faith and confidence to be so strong it can handle anything thrown our way.
Believing in the “Spirituality of Jesus” means believing he is intimately guiding our lives. Spirituality becomes a way of life.
Faith isn’t a destination; it’s a journey. When embraced daily, it transforms into an inspiring path filled with discovery.
The degree to which we are willing to let our emotions control us will determine our capacity to trust God. Simply put, trusting our emotions over God and his Word will lead us into a state of unbelief.