It’s important to constantly work at having the faith to be ourselves.
In our moments of frustration and failure, we need to turn to God and his Word to find the strength to keep going.
Check out this week's Mini Quiet Time to learn from Jesus how to defeat your own doubts.
Faith in God helps us find the confidence to be ourselves, overcome any conflict or obstacle in relationships, and love others wholeheartedly.
Giving God the opportunity to show how much he cares
God brings stability and support when we feel like we’re spinning out of control.
The Hunger Games teaches how to make the decision to be courageous with the people around us.
This video looks at scriptures about the choices we make to either live by fear or by faith, and what we can do to become conquerors today.
God wants us to evaluate ourselves by how deep and strong our faith is. He doesn’t evaluate our spiritual condition by looking at how we appear on the surface. The depth of our faith determines how much of a difference we can make in the lives of those around us.
This video looks at scriptures about why our faith might not be working, and what we can do to repair and renew our faith.