How do I keep my sense of awe as I navigate the challenges of life?
Our new book is a guide to seeing God in a healthy way, softening our hearts to be close to him, and inspiring the world around us to discover him too.
It's important to regularly search our hearts and make sure our view of God is healthy.
Our relationship with God should always be changing and growing. That’s one of the things that makes it exciting.
Learn to believe in God’s purpose for us by reading the Parable of the Talents and asking ourselves three questions.
Jesus gives us access to insight we could never fathom on our own through storytelling.
A large part of being reassured by God is acknowledging the truth of his power and being reverent before him.
Growing more aware of ourselves — the good, the bad, and the ugly — increases the intimacy in our relationship with God and others
We have to remember to let the Bible shape our view of God, instead of our emotions or experiences.
God should be our priority, not someone we squeeze into a busy schedule.
We all want to be cared for, known, understood, and loved for who we are. God is the starting place for this kind of intimacy.
We all long for unconditional acceptance and closeness. It all starts with learning to develop intimacy with God.