We, too-the many-are different parts that form one body in the Anointed One. Each one of us is joined with one another, and we become together what we could not be alone.

Romans 12:5 VOICE

Our friendships help us become together what we couldn’t be alone.

We each have strengths and weaknesses that we bring to relationships and need each other to grow.

Take this quiz to reflect on your “unity effect.” How transparent, loving, and caring are you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

At the end of the quiz, you’ll be matched up with a TV or movie character who shares some of your “unity” strengths and weaknesses. Understanding who we are and what we bring to our relationships can help us grow closer to our friends. 

Remember, these quizzes are designed to be a fun way to reflect on areas of our hearts that may be harder to see. You may not agree completely with your results, as they likely won’t perfectly describe you.

But that’s okay – just have fun reflecting on the process and getting closer to your friends as you learn about yourself.

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This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team.

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This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team.

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What Kind Of Friend Am I? Personality Quiz 6