Our heart condition affects our relationship with God a lot. If we don’t understand ourselves, we will misunderstand God.
Here are 4 principles that will help us trust the process God has us involved in to reach our dreams and destiny.
Overcoming our fear of inadequacy and having the courage to dream
Growing more aware of ourselves — the good, the bad, and the ugly — increases the intimacy in our relationship with God and others
Understanding why you should build the church God wants and others need.
How can those of us who identify as Christians make church more accessible to those who believe in God?
Spirituality and the Bible can help us redefine what being vulnerable should look like, and show us how it can lead to great power.
What we can learn from how God lead Moses to stop settling.
If we want to be bold and courageous and conquer cowardice, we first need to learn to call it what it is.
The idea of control gives us the illusion that we can prevent, manage, and will our lives towards certain outcomes.
Learn how to make spiritual goals that will help you grow closer to God and others.
Everyone can become a spiritual leader, but it begins with the decision to allow God to make you into one.