True compassion is not just having a feeling, but doing something about that feeling.
Growing more aware of ourselves — the good, the bad, and the ugly — increases the intimacy in our relationship with God and others
Giving God the opportunity to show how much he cares
Five ways Jesus can teach us to show compassion when we want to be critical.
What we’ve experienced is that living by religious rules is a very tempting way to avoid facing the insecurities in our hearts.
The Bible defines humility as getting beyond ourselves and instead securing our neighbors’ interests first.
Spirituality and the Bible can help us redefine what being vulnerable should look like, and show us how it can lead to great power.
Confronting the moments when we think, act, respond, and make decisions as if God were not real and present in our lives.
A defining characteristic of a Christian in the first-century church was having a heart for God, which inspired them to have a teachable spirit
We can find joy in serving God and others. No matter what’s going on in life, our home life improves when we look outward instead of inward.
Obedience in the Bible is a pathway to humility and fulfilling life.
Looking at two key areas in my life that stop me from being motivated to build relationships: pride and insecurity.