Trusting that God’s timing is always right can calm our anxious mind when we can’t see solutions to problems we’re facing or when we’re worried about the future.
In this Bible study, we will learn through the life of King David how real heart change starts with developing a heart for God.
What King Ahab can teach us about navigating the emotional disruptions that are necessary parts of the process of change.
6 signs you've lost your passion for God, and 5 ways to reignite it.
What we can learn from how God lead Moses to stop settling.
The idea of control gives us the illusion that we can prevent, manage, and will our lives towards certain outcomes.
How God helps us develop honest and meaningful relationships that enrich our lives.
How to hope in God and keep believing when we face disappointment, pain, and pressure.
3 qualities we can develop that keep us looking for God’s influence in our lives.
True repentance involves allowing God to transform you from the inside out, and change your life completely.
We can face difficulties with faith by learning three key lessons from the book of Nehemiah.