The practice of deep reflection on Scripture combats negativity and transforms us from the inside out.
Creating a spiritual culture that develops, supports, and rehabilitates spiritual leaders.
We want to provide spiritual tools to combat the negative thought patterns that affect us all.
A biblical guide to letting go of stubbornness and opening our hearts to God.
A collection of God’s promises that will anchor you, even when it feels like everything else is falling apart.
Our relationship with God should always be changing and growing. That’s one of the things that makes it exciting.
The story of Gideon in the Bible shows us how God can shape any of us into strong leaders if we’re willing to take one (very small) step of faith at a time.
Let’s look at why we should embrace failure, learn how to let go and let God work, and see what it looks like when we move forward.
Understanding the importance of prayer and having these 3 kinds of prayers have been a spiritual lifeline.
A large part of being reassured by God is acknowledging the truth of his power and being reverent before him.
Overcoming our fear of inadequacy and having the courage to dream
Three things you can do to ensure your faith is greater than your fear of disappointment.