God is the only one who can bring true inner peace into our lives
By staying close to God and following his guidance, we can fill our homes with joy, love, intimacy, and resilience.
Let's revisit key passages that remind us who God really is.
To truly love God is to value and listen to his Words, just as we would in any other relationship we care about.
God is our greatest example of love, and from him, we can learn how to love the people around us
Even if we haven't arrived yet, we believe we can get there because Jesus believes in us.
We can all look to the Scriptures to learn how to build a relationship with God, the ultimate Father.
Jesus endured the pressures of sin, and we can learn from him how to do the same.
The church in the New Testament was made strong by the powerful walk with God of each individual Christian.
We have to decide whether we want a biblical or a traditional church.
God doesn’t want any of us to go through storms alone.