With God by our side, we can endure and even conquer any trials life throws at us
One of the many great things about having a personal friendship with God is that he satisfies.
The morning is a precious time to connect with God.
It helps to remember an important quality of Jesus — that he is always with us.
Vulnerability is usually not the first thing we associate with being strong, but the Bible tells us true strength actually comes from embracing our weaknesses.
By digging down deep, we start the process toward having a faith in God that is not easily shaken. However, depth takes work. It is not a personality trait or a natural talent, but rather a skill that must be worked at and developed over time.
Though in the moment our difficulties may feel like they are too much we can handle, God uses them as opportunities for us to grow.
When we live in denial of what we are struggling with or having a hard time overcoming, we get stuck, settle, and are never able to do the impossible God is ready to help us achieve.
What has been your favorite lessons learned from the Deep Spirituality podcast so far?