Let's revisit key passages that remind us who God really is.
The heart is powerful enough to determine the course of our lives: what we feel, what we say, and what we do.
It's important to regularly search our hearts and make sure our view of God is healthy.
Esther was able to endure because she asked herself one question.
The moment we change our view of God is the moment we will see the hope, forgiveness, and connection that come with having a relationship with him.
God shows us through the Bible how to develop and sustain a deep relationship with him that leaves us reimagining every aspect of our lives.
How taking time to ask ourselves questions deepens our relationship with God.
Join Russ and friends as they discuss how to make our times with God powerful and transformational.
Some people are acquaintances. Some are life changers. We can learn from Jesus how to become life changers.
What would it be like if you weren't bitter? Would you be positive and hopeful, more pleasant to be around? What hurts, regrets, or disappointments have you been unable to move past?
“Deep Change” is a dynamic and transformational experience of God. The result reaches deeper than superficial improvement. We become a different person.