God can turn pain into the most dynamic breakthrough we have ever had
God’s forgiveness is as deep as it is powerful
Let's revisit key passages that remind us who God really is.
Everything in our lives—the good, the bad, and the ugly—is part of the process of becoming who we are meant to be.
We want to provide spiritual tools to combat the negative thought patterns that affect us all.
It's important to regularly search our hearts and make sure our view of God is healthy.
Esther was able to endure because she asked herself one question.
The moment we change our view of God is the moment we will see the hope, forgiveness, and connection that come with having a relationship with him.
Three questions to reflect on your current thought life to increase your daily connection to God
God can free us from our negative thinking by teaching us to trust him and love other people.
“Deep Awareness” is a spiritual sensitivity to God and his Word that awakens our conscience, and stirs up the transformative power of the Holy Spirit for change. This awareness keeps us from slipping back into old patterns of life or attitudes of mind.
“Deep Change” is a dynamic and transformational experience of God. The result reaches deeper than superficial improvement. We become a different person.