We don’t need to be afraid of pain or trouble because God will use it to transform us.
God is meant to be enjoyed, not just endured or feared.
Relying on an unchangeable God will help us stay steady and happy no matter what happens in our lives.
Take a look at some of the incredible ways trusting in God changes our lives, and how we can make decisions to put our trust into practice.
A study series exploring the early church's remarkable devotion to God.
The condition of your faith and heart will determine whether you enter the presence of God or the realm of religiosity.
The unrelenting difficulties we’ve experienced this year can prompt us to seek God in a new way.
There was a time when you were close to God. Would do anything for Him and worked to be close to him. How do you get there again?
Our sense and desire for destiny, meaning and purpose in our lives goes beyond what can be achieved humanistically. How do you see this desire for the spiritual, unseen and eternal in you? Understanding this, how can you be more spiritual in your thinking and in your way of living?