Jesus loved the rich young ruler enough to offer him a way out of rule-following by asking him to make a decision to be close to him.
This parable will help us understand what it feels like to be lost and how God responds to that feeling by always trying to bring us home.
But how do we become a light that shines brightly before others? The first step is making sure we choose not to live in darkness ourselves.
Our heart condition affects our relationship with God a lot. If we don’t understand ourselves, we will misunderstand God.
Let’s look at why we should embrace failure, learn how to let go and let God work, and see what it looks like when we move forward.
We can learn something very important about God from each of these stories, something that will give us the strength of heart we need to “get back up again” no matter what comes our way.
Here are 4 principles that will help us trust the process God has us involved in to reach our dreams and destiny.
Understanding the importance of prayer and having these 3 kinds of prayers have been a spiritual lifeline.
A large part of being reassured by God is acknowledging the truth of his power and being reverent before him.
Loving God with all your soul is important; Jesus says it is part of the first and greatest commandment.
Three things you can do to ensure your faith is greater than your fear of disappointment.
How taking time to ask ourselves questions deepens our relationship with God.