While it isn’t wrong to feel angry, God can give us the power to handle this emotion in a spiritual and helpful way.
Thinking about others is a deliberate choice, and it’s the most inspiring way we can live our lives.
Even if we haven't arrived yet, we believe we can get there because Jesus believes in us.
Jesus endured the pressures of sin, and we can learn from him how to do the same.
In this episode, we learn how to build a church on hope the way Jesus did—by cultivating purpose, humility, endurance, impact, and inspiration.
In our moments of frustration and failure, we need to turn to God and his Word to find the strength to keep going.
God commands us not to give into our fear and reminds us that he will never fail us.
We have dreams we want to see happen and visions we want to accomplish, but it takes a lot of energy to keep running toward them.
God wants to give us the help we need, but we have to be willing to be vulnerable enough to ask him for it.
Vulnerability is usually not the first thing we associate with being strong, but the Bible tells us true strength actually comes from embracing our weaknesses.
In today’s Mini Quiet Time, we’ll give you 3 practical tips from the Bible for how you can start trusting God when you feel worried.
What Gideon, an unlikely hero, can teach us about having the faith to trust God's process