God doesn’t want any of us to go through storms alone.
In this episode, we learn how to build a church on hope the way Jesus did—by cultivating purpose, humility, endurance, impact, and inspiration.
The church of the Bible was dynamic, powerful, and life-changing. So why has church attendance today been declining?
When we get our happiness from God, we want to share that happiness with others.
The morning is a precious time to connect with God.
When we have the certainty that God loves us completely for who we are, we can be satisfied no matter what.
Even when we face the impossible, we can still have faith because God can do anything.
God wants us to both have our own happy and satisfying life and to help others have an opportunity for that life, too.
As we walk closely with God, he makes us great too, giving us the power to live remarkable lives.
We all experience feeling stuck at times, whether it be in hardships, relationship conflicts, failures that follow us wherever we go, or guilt that feels too big for us to carry on our own.
A lot of the problems we get into in life come because we are searching for love—often in all the wrong places.
Though Zacchaeus came with baggage, Jesus’ decision to love anyway completely changed Zacchaeus’ life for the better.